Friday, August 28, 2009

Last Night

You know those moments…

The ones where, while it’s happening, time both seems to stop and yet speed up to an incredible rate. Where you suddenly are acutely aware of every single one of your senses, yet at the same time you don’t feel anything and it’s like you’re hovering above your own body, not quite there at all.

And when the moment ends you feel stunned. Then you re-live it. Over and over. You replay it in your head and reenact the scenario a million times, examining every single detail. Every glance. Every smile. Every movement. You get that odd feeling inside where your heart tightens up and you feel all warm inside. Your innards all feel like they’re both expanding out of your body, and yet shrinking away.

It aches. You think about the moment over and over and wish nothing more than to revisit it just one more time. Have those feelings again. Be in that moment of pure bliss just once more.

I love and hate those moments.

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