I'm in class right now. She's always a little bit late so I figured I would write while I wait.
I just had my interview for the Middle East/Journalism Program for Summer 1. Ah, I was a little late and sweaty, great. They said we'll
find out next week by Wednesday whether or not. I really don't know how the interview went. I really want this. More so than Gatsby.
I saw him again on Friday.
Edit Sorry I started writing this on Monday and it's Saturday now.
Anyways, I saw him and we hooked up again. We were drunk, sloppy but fun. We talked and such, good times. I will not admit that I like him out loud. He is completely enjoyable and very gorgeous. I can only wait and see if this progresses.
I want to prove him wrong about all the other girls he's met before me.
I have to study for exams and do papers the next couple of days. I need to desperately do well on all my exams in hope of getting an above 3.0 gpa. I wanted so badly to do a 3.5 but that is not happening.
Next semester, I'll be on top of it.
I know the library is 24 hours now.
I think I'll poke him on Facebook. Remind him.
I'm watching a Harry Potter Marathon on ABC Family now. Life is good.
Everyone is going out tonight but me, and I'm completely happy with that.
I need to go start some work. And the gym
Christmas nonsense coming up.
But I'm more concerned about New Year's. For the obvious reasons. Damnittt

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