Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My High Came Crashing Down

I did not get into the Middle East Dialogue.
I failed my Math quiz which counts twice.
I got a 79 on my Italian Oral
Gatsby does not like me.

Well, least to say it's been a pretty shitty day. OH! I got two hours of sleep last night, yes..

I have a term paper to write all today for a book I haven't read yet.

I really just want to cry.

I think I'm going to call my mom crying.

I need to vent.

And I'm so embarassed that I didn't get into Dialogues that I don't want to mention to anyone here. I just want to curl up in bed and cry. I'm really very upset about it.

I don't think he likes me. Just not getting the vibe that he wants to talk at all. So I don't know. He ends the messages with statements. Which I read as, "okay I'll answer you but I don't want to know anything about you." We just fucked, nothing else involved.

I feel very numb right now.

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