Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bad Reputation

"I want her to grow the fuck up AND I'M NOT EVEN HER FRIEND TO CARE!"

Aha, I'm dying. I have no voice so the sounds that are escaping me sound like I'm grasping for air. Honestly, the conversations that go on in this apartment KILL ME. Between Caroline's "stand on the ottoman" proclamation of everyone's crazy ass, Jes's hippie attitude and basically always drunk, and the random drop ins by Grabs and the Ruski, it's all too much. Grabes doesn't trust humanity, he's a certified misantrhope and the Ruski propositions everyone to take nude pictures. We're watching "Freaks and Geeks," and as you can imagine, we all relate. I'm going to miss this apartment.

That quote is just pretty fantastic, if you knew what it was in reference to.

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