“I’m a modern woman in the sense of I take care of myself, I’m fiercely independent, and I’m really ambitious. Yet I have these old-school thoughts in my mind. I do like to belong to a man. I love having a man in my life, and being his woman at the end of the day. I know it’s a dichotomy.”
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Eva Mendes
How I Fuck Up My Life.
“But the problem with me was that as soon as I started thinking about getting it together, I got this mad craving desire to fuck it up.”
Rebecca Godfrey
Still Here, Still Standing
I cried today for the first time in a long time. Not streams, but the oceans I keep talking about or like a river bursting through a dam. My eyelids just couldn’t carry the weight anymore and everything I’ve felt in the past year just came spilling out. It was one of those good but terribly sad cries. One of those I needed to get out, but were salty from open wounds I am still holding onto to show as proof of what I’ve been through. But it was also one of those where I felt better after it happened — happier, relieved. Because the fact that I can feel anything is a reminder that I have survived enough to feel something that makes me still feel alive.
I'm Done Waiting.
"Please let him come, and give me the resilience & guts to make him respect me, be interested, and not to throw myself at him with loudness or hysterical yelling; calmly, gently, easy baby easy. I am so hungry for a big smashing creative burgeoning burdened love: I am here; I wait."
-Sylvia Plath
-Sylvia Plath
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Shut It Down
“I meet these men, fall desperately in love, and become friends with them in the mistaken hope that one day they’ll see the error of their ways and realize they’re madly attracted to me. But of course that doesn’t happen. I just go out with them as friends and misinterpret every look, every sigh, every touch, and try to convince myself they’re about to make a move, and each time I end up feeling like shit, because yet another man I fancy isn’t interested.”Mr. Maybe
White Flag
My eccentric behavior is inexcusable. But theres a reason. I want to explain myself but I think I just come off more crazy. So believe what you like. I was only reacting to the perception you had of me. Freaking out that you had it all wrong. I just made it worst.
More Mature Than Most Guys I Know
"She needs to have a nice personality, a good sense of humour, nice eyes and a brain. What's the point of having a nice looking girlfriend if you can't talk to her? You want to be able to sit down to dinner and be with someone who you can have a proper conversation with.Justin Bieber
I don't like girls who wear lots of make-up and you can't see their face. Some girls are beautiful but insecure and look much better without the make-up, but decide to put loads on.
It depends on the situation. But at first I won't let her know - you've got to pace yourself. Then, maybe by the end of the conversation, I'd ask her something like, 'Do you have a phone number that I could reach you at?' That's usually how it goes."
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
“I’m an emotional person—I feel things, and I need to be able to get upset and to talk about how I’m feeling. I mean, that’s just.. that’s who I am, and I can’t change it. I don’t want to. And the thing is, you knew that. You knew it, and you still pursued me, because you want something with me. You just aren’t strong enough to have it.. which, in a way, makes you a coward. And the saddest part is that one day you’re going to wake up and you’re going to realize what you missed. And it’s going to be too late.”Felicity
Tango Paris
“It’s like, we’re telling everyone different little truths about what we want. Telling this person that, and telling another something else. Spilling out only part of our hearts and souls to our best friends. We never seem to be able to tell the whole big picture. So we go about telling all these little truths, hoping that no one will put two and two together.. But when we put all of our little truths together, we all seem to be in for a surprise.”
Jennie never seems surprised by me. That's why we're best friends. It's funny, I admitted to Justine the basics of what I've been going through and she was not surprised either. I can try to fool a lot of people but the two people that mean the most, always know. And for that, I'll love them forever.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
“Putting a wall around your heart doesn’t protect you. It just keeps people out.”
Desperate Housewives
Sunday, June 13, 2010
For Life.
“When somebody leaves this plane—or, if you like, goes into another room—those left behind sometimes try and stop loving—but this is a mistake, because even if you have loved only once in your life, you’re ruined.”
-The Secret Lives of People in Love
I Hope It Is Worth It One Day
"her eyes were red from the oceans that flowed through and out of her body, so much that she couldn’t see a thing, temporarily blinded from loving too much with a heart so big, so heavy, so willing to spill out the everything it feels. the repurcussions never stopped her because it’s the only way she knew how to live and to speak and to sing and to be and so she refused to let it harden her, even if the oceans got to her, because she never wanted to be one of those people who used it as an excuse to walk away, sail away, to a far off place because those people become lonelier surrounded by only themselves and the sea. and she, she would rather be lonely in the midst of the people she loved waiting, hoping for a chance that staying this close will be worth it—that in the end, it would be worth it."
Not Yours, But Mines
"i get the feeling you were too scared to love me, too scared to mean the world, too scared to be someone’s everything, too scared for the responsibility. i get that, i get that now, you weren’t ready for someone to put their heart in the palm of your hand, but it happened, it happened and you can’t give it back. you’ve stretched your arms over to my side, tied strings to my shoulder blades accidentally creating a lovesick puppet so willing to please, so willing to change myself for your needs, so willing to bend at your will, so willing to be whomever you wanted me to be, if it meant that i could have if only a piece of you—your hands, your knees, your shoulders for me to lean my head upon, your lips, the imprints of your kisses left on my neck as we slept the nights and mornings away. if i only had that, then i was happy—if only for the moment, if only temporarily. but knowing it was a love unrequited eventually got to me, and knowing i had to walk away was the hardest thing i’ve ever known, especially knowing it didn’t affect you at all. but it wasn’t your fault—it was my own for believing in all you couldn’t give me."
I think it's today but this made me cry. Like a baby. Things made me realize. I can't keep lying to myself. I wanted so much more and I picked a guy (again) that was unemotionally unavailable. I'm walking away before a repeat pathetic Hairo-esque performance is done. The damage is there though.
"I want to rip off your logic and make passionate sense to you. I want to ride in the swing of your hips. My fingers will dig in you like quotation marks, blazing your limbs into parts of speech."-Jeffrey McDaniel
Keeping Up.
"Just one thing,” she says, raising her head and looking me straight in the eye. “I want you to remember me. If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets."-Haruki Murakami
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Black Mamaba
I don’t miss you as I don’t know who you are
I miss, however, your kisses, your arms around my floating body, your look at my face, the way you talked to me
I miss your smile, your voice, the words you spoke to me, the most directly drilling down on something others wouldn’t come to speak of the first night (and obviously the last one?) the vibes that kicked me. I miss all that but I don’t miss you as I don’t know who you are. Don’t know who you are.
I live to like you and I can’t like you anymore. So, when you get your heart splattered all over hell and you’re really feeling low and dirty, don’t run to me to help pull you back up because, maybe, for the first time in your life, I won’t be there.
— Pretty In Pink
“We’re friends, real friends, and that means no matter how long it takes, when you finally decide to look back, I’ll be here.”
— Grey’s Anatomy
King Without A Crown.
Well, last night. Interesting to say the least. I'm not sure what it meant to you but it's been exactly what I wanted. Sorta. The sleeping part was awkward, bed hog. Beggars can't be choosers. I was a bit awkward at first. You took control like you always surprisingly do when it comes down to it. I realized it is in your nature to be so quiet. You were like it in front of your boy - very little said and partial hearing. Your silence freaks me out - to the point where I must ask what was going on. I had no idea and I was nervous. You just smiled and said "what? I'm enjoying this." Now, surprise surprise, I'm craving you. Last night/this morning definitely brought you down from this pedestal, though. Dick move this morning but you apologize and said not to take it personal - so I won't. Sooo, when am I seeing you next? My bed this time.
"What do you do when you realize that although you many have years of history, and found real value in each other in times past, that you kind of don't like a friend anymore? That, after time spent with this person,, you feel drained, empty, belittled or insulted. My father always used to tell me that, 'you can't make new old friends.' How do you distinguish if someone in your life makes you change for the better of if you are better off without them?"
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
You Oughta Know
"the reason that your heart it buried deep inside your chest behind the protective walls of lungs and layers of skin is because hearts when exposed to extreme cold or extreme truth usually end up feeling burned.
I tried so hard to numb myself and list all the reasons why love and marriage and forevers and promises and soul mates and couples are just a sham, and you have come along and ruined all my hard work.
So no matter what you see me as - friend, lover, crazy obsessive compulsive girl who asks to many questions and snorts when she laughs, I see you as worth it."
Saturday, June 5, 2010
This Is How You Remind Me...
Its me, I know that. But, when you chill with someone who talks shit about me and your other friends and is just an overall asshole, I have a hard time trusting. Yes, I have trust issue. Unforunately for you. I lost some trust and a lot of respect today. I feel terrible, but I can't confide in someone who's willing to run back and take this plus more for a boy. Its only a boy. To me, the situation is ridiculous and not worth anymore of my breathe.
The Cold War
"It is not easy … to wait. Waiting is what the hunter does, and the poet and the slugger. He waits for the moment of inevitability and fate and then he swings, or shoots, or takes up the pen to put down a line. They don’t teach us to wait in America; they teach us to grab. But waiting is what we do when we are looking for something beautiful, when we are looking for an end to our sorrow. Nothing is infinite in life, not even sorrow. You just have to wait."
Cary Tennis
Friday, June 4, 2010
Lakers-Game 1
“If a man wants to be romantically involved with you, he tries to kiss you. That’s the entire story, and if he doesn’t kiss you, there is never a reason to wait around for him.”
— Curtis Sittenfel
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dr. Strangelove.
"I still love you a lot but you wanna be friends so I'm trying to create the distance to make that happen."
If its not one thing, its another. And it's another - random old friend acting like we're gonna hook up. I smell desperation from a mile away.
The Only Sane Person
"And you just have to be more optimistic about these things. If you radiate a positive energy, things will turn out positively. Dont stress over it."
I guess my biggest problem is that I listen to everyone else a bit more than I believe. I let the drama of other people relations with guys scare how mine will be. I think I was afraid about being the girl that waits around forever for something that doesn't even exist. When I'm me, when I do things the way I feel is right - it's fine. Then I get wrapped up in everyone's opinions and approval. I forget that half my friends don't care if you even know of their significant other. Why do I try so hard for them? I'm not saying that entirely why I've been going fucking crazy on him or my rapid mood swings. That's all fear. That I know effects a lot of what I do. But my best friend is right, positive thinking. I got this baller internship and I got a job with shoes! Ideally, life is good. Shit with the ex have been weird but good. I've make my attempts to be friendly, only cause I need to believe me and him can be friends. He's being more or less responsive. Hey, he answer my 1am emergency but didn't rescue me. Baby steps. I've stripped away the negative shit (people) that cause drama or like to bring me down from my life. Overall, I'm peachy. Whether I royally fucked up my chance for the goal with him- shit happens, life goes on. Like I've said, in the end - I can at least write him off as "hot guy friend."
Things are meant to be private. No one knows what happens between two people besides those two people. I don't know what's going on in your head. I don't know what youre feeling, but its between us. I need to figure out what I'm willing to handle and not let my friends voices and concerns overpower my decisions. I think I'll give it the two weeks deadline to see what you give me. There's something. I'm not sure if I'm making it up or there really is. You made me cried. I swore I'd never let that happen, again. I mean I was drunk so does it count? Why don't I just let you go? I know better than this, I am better than this. I don't deserve the confusion but maybe this is somewhat normal? I've never done dating, normal dating. I wish this is stuff I can tell you. I'm not use to this. I'm use to spilling my guts on the floor and having 30 hour conversations over a concern. I'm use to this because I was in a relationship with a guy from when I was 14 and everything was dramatic and he was madly in love with me. I was use to this until this past winter when I looked at him after going one step too far and realizing I have no more tears for him. I don't have my emotional baggage anymore. I was expecting it to transfer to you because it's all I know. But, that's not right. I will tell you I don't want a relationship because the idea of falling for you and being broken again is too much to bare, even as a thought. Yes, I jump ahead. One of my many flaws. I rather have fun with you because I don't think I can let you in but you're too precious to let go. I need a sign. Yes, I believe entirely in signs and I desperately need one or need to move the fuck on.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Post It Always Stick Twice
"Exactly! If you're never someone's girlfriend, then you can never be someone's ex-girlfriend."
No One Special
"My thoughts tend to sound better in books I didn’t write, and in the songs I didn’t sing. Even then, sometimes there is no piece of literature, no song, no work of art that can really explain the way you feel. There is a double-edge comfort in knowing that no one really knows."
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