Thursday, October 16, 2008

what's up, what's haapnin?

I decided to post the quotes from "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist." I don't want to go searching from them through the book or online whenever I want a good away message. 

Today was a busy day. I woke up late by luck. My phone died last night and all I had as an alarm was my iPod. I woke up around 8:20 and made it to class a little late. My teacher knows my name now. Then I went straight to City Hall and did a run around but I got all my information I think. I'll have to double check with Matson tomorrow. I'm excited for the weekend. I need to sleep. More importantly I need to studying, midterms are looming.

Claudio said I looked good today. It's annoying to hear compliments because then I guess the days I don't, I look like shit. 

I'm watching the Red Sox-Rays game. I don't know who I want to win the World Series, but I definitely don't want the Red Sox to make it. I hate them. I decided I want to buy some stuff from the Yankee stores and look into opening game for next season at the new stadium, it be sweet if I had a boyfriend to take. I miss spoiling someone. Ha, my friends are lucky because of that.

Deanna and Joe, I believe, are talking now. Which makes me really excited because I think he's so precious and would treat her good. Way better than Chris did. She seems into the idea. Lauren isn't so much. Last year, she had a major crush on Joe and he didn't realize or wasn't into. So now Lauren is taking it as a slap in the face. Which I can definitely understand but she really shouldn't hold it against Deanna or Joe. I remember when I use to like Rob so so so much and he liked Michele, surprise surprise. Well I mean in the end it worked out in my benefit. Not everyone you like is going to like you back. More times than not, they won't. It just a experience. I know she feels like she is constantly rejected but I mean I've been through that...a lot. And I guess even now. I also know now who's worth even going after.

I forgot to mention that I am going to Rome. Fucking Rome! I can't even believe it until I'm there. I'm going with Jennie the week of Spring Break. We're staying with her friend Chris who going to be there for Study Abroad. I can't even wait! It kinda sucks though because as of now, I can't afford to go to Vegas anymore. I really wanted to. But then I don't ever talk to Justine so why fucking bother?

It kinda hurts how she does not even make an effort to see how her "best friend" is doing. To be honest, I don't think I can even call her that anymore. It's sad. But I use to call her all the time and text her even this past year, and she just... never cared I guess. Whatever, she has Matt, that's good enough for her...right? Fuck it.

Eright, I must try homework. But knowing me, I'll be watching the game. 'Till next time. 

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