Why He’s Hot:
- He plays a werewolf in The Twilight Saga, and even if you are on Team Edward, you CANNOT deny that the idea of those big, strong arms picking you up and tossing you onto the bed like you’re just a rag doll and having rough sex (in which he may actually growl) isn’t a Big. Fucking. Turn On.
- He’s not legal yet, (6 months to go!), so you can corrupt him. Best reason to go to jail. Ever.
- He looks good with dirt rubbed on his chest. Dear god. You know you would love to take a tumble in the dirt with him.
- Have you seen those arms? That chest? That stomach? If you don’t find those stunning, then you’re a lesbian.
- He’s a legit nice guy. He’s totally that super respectable, sweet guy who makes you want to act like a lady. But then you look at those arms and your thoughts aren’t so lady like anymore.
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