Why He’s Hot:
- Well, he’s Leonardo DiCaprio. I could end the list at that but I won’t because that wouldn’t be any fun. He’s a classic good looking guy. Who grew up disliking him? He is beautiful and not many men are capable of being beautiful but masculine at the same time - he does.
- Am I the only one that sobbed when he died in the movie Titanic? I wasn’t crying because of Rose’s love loss, I was crying because she didn’t share the wood plank with this beautiful man (there was most definitely space for him) and he sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Also, if he was dead how was he supposed to have sex with me in a car on the bottom of a ship. I’m sure I’d show him a better time Rose ever did. Mind you, I was ten when the movie came out. He has to be hot if he had that affect on pre-teen girls.
- He doesn’t age. I honestly still think of him as this twenty year old actor but he’s much older than twenty. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. He’s still a young man as long as he still looks like one. Leo you’re not fooling anyone by growing that facial hair in an attempt to look older. Be glad you look young! I like it and I’m sure the same can be said by some other women.
- He is a mixed breed - German and Italian. That just reads as delicious man. He’s basically a human delicacy. You will not need a spoon to indulge in his “banana split”.
- He’s talented. No really, Leo can act. Following Titanic he landed some great roles that involved removing his shirt - okay sorry, off topic but he can act. He’s one of the few childhood actors that actually did really well as an adult actor. Talented men - that’s just sexy. If you think otherwise, I question what type of guys you go for.
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